Tag: Friction Fire

Rewild Skillshare 6.11.11

I was a little nervous about Rewild Camp today because none of the Rewild Portland team could make it except for myself! Luckily I had the lovely Sarah Hill join me out there at the archery range and with her help we made it a success! There were about seven new people who showed up …

Rewild Skillshare 5.21.11

Today Rewild Camp was at Irving Park in Northeast Portland. It was an exciting rewilding camp because Kelila got her very first bow-drill coal! She has been working at it for a while and today it finally happened. So congrats to Kelila for creating fire! We also worked on making cordage from Yucca leaves to …

Rewild Skillshare 5.14.11

Kelila and I were grateful the rain held off for Rewild Camp today, which was at the archery range. We started off playing some Chinook Wawa, which proved to be more difficult than we expected, with our other speakers MIA. Nevertheless, we were able to play off one another and keep things going. Then we …